2,4-D Amine Salt

2,4-D 2-этилгексиловый эфир
2. Aeromine is an almost Non-Polar 2,4-D formulation that results in rapid penetration. Any 2,4-D when applied to the foliage, penetrates the cuticle by diffusion. Since the cuticle surface is lipoidal (non-polar) in nature and mineral salts of phenoxy acid are polar, they do not match each other leading to slow penetration. Aeromarine being non-polarpenetrates the cuticle without any assistance from non-herbicidal compounds. Hence there are rare chances of photodecomposition in the plant surface.
3. Aeromine is a safe herbicide in connection with accumulation in soil and phytotoxicity. Being highly soluble in water it leaches faster than the mineral salts of 2,4-D and is then absorbed by the soil organic matter or clay colloids. The absorbed Aeromine is then inactivated by Arthobacterium and Pseudomonas present in the soil. The maximum persistency in the soil is one month.
4. Aeromine being fully soluble in water is compatible with Glyphosate, Dalapon, Simazine, Paraquat, Diuron for total control of a mixed weed population.
Common Name | 2,4-D Amine Salt |
Chemical Name | 2,4-Dimethyl Amine Salt |
Brand Name | Aeromine |
Molecular Formula | C10H13O3NCl2 |
Molecular Weight | 266 |
Extractable and exposed as 2,4 – D present by mass | 720 g/l, 600 g/l, 480 g/l |
Equivalent Weight of the extracted acid | 218 to 226 |
Melting Point of the extracted acid | 136°C to 142°C |
pH | 7 to 9 |
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1ltr bottle

200 ltrs HDPE Drums
1000ltrs IBCs