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We introduce ourselves as one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Phenoxy Herbicides i.e. 2,4-D, and its esters and amines here in India since 1989. We have a production capacity of over 4800 Mt. per annum.

Aero Agro Chemical Industries Ltd., a Public Limited Company is registered with the Registrar of Companies, India having a Share Capital of INR 91.90 Million. We have two manufacturing Units in India at present. Our Manufacturing facilities are located at Bhanpuri Industrial Area, Raipur (C.G.), and Panoli Industrial Estate, Gujarat. Raipur is the capital of Chhattisgarh State and is centrally located on the Indian Map hence gaining a territorial advantage in serving the Indian market. Its close proximity to Vizag Port located in the Eastern part of India helps us in serving the Eastern world markets more efficiently. Our Panoli Unit on the other hand is located in the Southern part of Gujarat, the Chemical Hub of India. Its close proximity to Nhavasheva Port (the largest port in India) located in the Western part of India helps us serve the Western world markets more efficiently and promptly.

We have a well-equipped lab with qualified staff and Technical persons in our factory for testing of our product at every point of production to ensure the quality. We are capable of making the formulations of Amines and Esters as per the requirements of our honored customers. The principal raw materials required by us are Phenol, Chlorine, Monochloro Acetic Acid, Caustic Soda, Dimethyl Amine, etc.

We are regularly exporting the herbicides manufactured by us to various Developed and Developing countries of the world. We have a good and prospective market in South East Asian Countries, Latin American Countries, West Asian Countries, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, C.I.S., Africa and Sri Lanka, etc. We hold a major share in the Indian market also.

We are also introducing new Herbicide molecules in our Panoli Unit shortly e.g. Butachlor, Pretilachlor, Pendimethalin & Atrazine, etc.

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«Weedclean», то есть 2,4-D натриевая соль 80% WP, используется в основном в качестве послевсходового гербицида для борьбы с широколиственными сорняками на зерновых, сахарном тростнике, чае, пшенице, рисе, пастбищах, ячмене, дерне, неурожайных культурах. области, сорго, овес и т.д.

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