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What Do We Sell?

AACIL is a leading enterprise in India manufacturing Technical as well as Formulation of Phenoxy Herbicides i.e., 2,4-D, and its allied products since 1989. The products here are manufactured under strict quality control. Our products are "ISI" marked (i.e. these products are quality marked by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) which is a Government of India undertaking to control the quality of products manufactured within India by laying quality norms and has premium recognition in India. The certification to a product is only given after repeated quality tests by the association personnel at the respective company’s factory premises regularly from time to time.

The Products Manufactured Are:

ФОРМА ЗАПРОСА, and rapidly became the most used herbicide in the world. After 50yrs of use, 2, 4-D is still the third most herbicide in the United States & Canada and the most widely used worldwide. The reason for the widespread popularity of 2,4-D and its allied products is because it is still the cheapest herbicide available to date on a unit acreage basis as well as efficacy-wise. The reason is that lower doses yield effective control of broad-leaved dicot weeds. Another reason is 2,4-D being easily soluble in water and other solvents result in rapid penetration through the leaves to the soil hence increasing efficacy of the crop and is a safe herbicide in connection with accumulation in the soil and phytotoxicity. The maximum persistence of 2,4-D in the soil is one month.2; 4-D also increases the efficacy of the soil and is also used as a plant growth hormone if used in small quantities in some crops leading to its popularity all over the world.

2,4-D, a member of the phenoxy family of herbicides, is low in toxicity to humans & animals. 2,4-D is readily excreted in the urine of animals & humans and does not bioaccumulate. 2,4-D is a highly mobile compound that may readily disperse. Biodegradation is the primary route of loss from water and soil, with additional losses from photodegradation. The product after degradation is CO2. 2,4-D is completely degraded within 1-5 months by dealkylation, ring hydroxylation, or hydroxylation. 2,4-D being fully soluble in water is compatible with other non-selective herbicides like glyphosate, paraquat, diuron, dicamba, etc, and mixing in different proportions yields in total control of mixed weed population.

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A Cultivating Field


Applying Our Products


The Result

What We Buy ?

A list of the products purchased by us regularly in large quantities is as follows. If you are interested to offer any of the following chemicals then please contact us at along with Price & other Terms C.I.F. any Indian Port, Technical Specifications, Min. Order Quantity etc.

Raw Material
CAS. No.
Alternative Name
Ethyl Alcohol
Dimethylamine ( DMA-40%)
Phenol Crystal
Carbolic Acid, Hydroxybenzene
Liquid Chlorine Gas
Monochloro Acetic Acid (MCA) Crystals
Chloro Acetic Acid
Caustic Soda Lye/Flake
Sodium Hydroxide (NAOH)
Sulphuric Acid
Sodium Sulphate
Triethanol Amine
Aromax, C IX, Other Solvents
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«Weedclean», то есть 2,4-D натриевая соль 80% WP, используется в основном в качестве послевсходового гербицида для борьбы с широколиственными сорняками на зерновых, сахарном тростнике, чае, пшенице, рисе, пастбищах, ячмене, дерне, неурожайных культурах. области, сорго, овес и т.д.

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